Client server made easy with the Socket Messaging library for Delphi - Coding Bootcamp 2023

- 17/08/2023 - 46 minutes - Patrick Prémartin


Discover the new Socket Messaging library for Delphi and its code generator to quickly develop a client, a server and their exchange protocol over a TCP/IP network without actually coding. Several examples of use will be presented, including the classic chat room and a real-time multi-player game.

This presentation has been recorded by Patrick Prémartin for the Learn Delphi Coding Bootcamp 2023 organized by Embarcadero Technologies.

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Mots-clés associés

Delphi, FireMonkey, FMX, Game Dev, Gamedev, VCL


Conférences > Coding Bootcamp 2023
Projets > Logiciels > Socket Messaging Code Generator
Projets > Librairies et composants > Socket Messaging Library