Using FireMonkey as a game engine

- 12/11/2021 - 56 minutes - Patrick Prémartin


Many video games have been developed in Pascal. Many are also developed in Delphi, some of which can be seen in the Embarcadero showcases.

Some use external game engines or libraries linked to Windows. For most games this is not necessary as we already have everything we need with FireMonkey directly in Delphi.

All you need is a basic knowledge of the Pascal language, a good knowledge of how FireMonkey works and it is very easy to create games of all types (puzzle, 2D, 3D) with the components and libraries available in standard.

In this session, you will discover how to manage background music or sound effects, sprites and animations, collisions and scenes for coding multi device games.

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Mots-clés associés

Delphi, FireMonkey, FMX, Game Dev, Gamedev


Conférences > DelphiCon 2021